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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate November 23 to December 1st Selfish Mentality

It is always important to show sensitivity and appreciation towards others, not try to gain the upper hand and disregard their feelings. Showing more consideration, you are less likely to risk upsetting those you care about most. By being selfish however, you are likely to weaken any good relationships you have.

Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 Leaving cares behind

Enjoyable experiences, going out with friends, extended shopping expeditions or eating and drinking to excess result in you pushing yourself too far and overdoing things. Remember that this way of behaving can do you harm in the long run, and does not bring any benefits. Do things in moderation; you can still enjoy life but don't slip into bad habits.

Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 Power Games

Engaging in unnecessary power games can leave you feeling stressed, even when you manage to retain the upper hand. Any plotting and scheming that you initiate has unexpected consequences and not always in ways you find very helpful. Even if you feel well, it does not harm to relax and take a break.